When picking colors for the interior painting of your home, it’s often best to keep the architectural features of your home in mind. Bookcases, windows, doors, and mantels should all match your color scheme in some way. For example, a room that contains wainscot can provide you with a good opportunity for creating a lot of contrast in your rooms.
Choose Colors That You Can Live With
We live in a world where a gallon of paint can easily cost $25. Perhaps this is the main reason why paint experts suggest that you don’t rush the process. Remember that there are thousands of paint shades that you can look through once in a store- but there are only 7 primary colors. But choosing between the latter, you’ll be able to narrow your choices.
Even before you enter the paint store, try to eliminate those paint colors off of your list that you know you’re not going to be using. If you’re unable to make a decision once inside the pain store then take home some sample cards. As a general rule of thumb, always try looking at the darkest color on the strip of paint options. If you know that it isn’t ideal for your room then start your way in the middle and work your way up towards lighter colors.
Choose a Paint Finish
Once you have the colors that you want, decide on the type of finish that you’re going to be using. Conventional wisdom suggests that you choose a satin finish paint as it is easily cleanable and will draw attention away from imperfections in your room. Other popular finishes include high-gloss and semi-gloss finishes. Remember, try to choose a color that creates the most amount of contrast in your rooms and that helps structural elements stand out..
If you’re stumped and just can’t make a decision, then you should consider seeking the advice of a professional painting company or interior designer. If you’re looking for a painter in Greenville, SC, then give Green Pro Painters a call at (864) 810-1029.